Thursday, June 4, 2015

Things - Weariness?

"Every increased possession loads us with new weariness." 

During our journeys here on earth we tend to accumulate a LOT of stuff! Mom and Dad lived in their home more than 50 years. Result - a house full of memories and things. 

And then there was the process of cleaning out West North Street for our move west. Every possession accumulated in our 34 years in that house had to be evaluated. Did we need it? Did we want it? Was it worth hauling across country (and paying for that hauling)?

As we boxed things up at North Street, it was interesting to pay attention to the feeling as my desk and surrounding bookcases were emptied. Part of me loved the feeling of being surrounded by books and cozy reading chairs. But then I also liked the feeling as that space was emptied. As we left the house for the last time, we were amazed how large it looked when it was empty. 

Once we arrived at our new home in Kirkland, we had a few days before the moving van arrived with its 260+ boxes. Our son and his wife had set up a table, chairs, and air mattresses for us. (They offerered for us to stay at their house but we wanted to get acquainted with our new space and neighborhood). There was a feeling of freedom and lightness to live in a place with no clutter and so little stuff.

I've written about our ongoing downsizing. Eventually we'll end up in a smaller place. I have a  good feeling when I empty a bin or box - discarding or donating something that we haven't used since our move. Sometimes we look at something we've been saving and ask ourselves if our children will want to deal with this after we are gone. Sometimes the answer is "no" and we discard or donate the item. If it's a keepsake or knicknack that's spent the last 30 years in a storage bin, should it be passed along now or should we just admit that we might as well be the people who make the decision to discard it?

I want to get to the place that each possession has a purpose or a family connection. I don't want "weariness" attached to the things in my life. 

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