Thursday, May 21, 2015

Make a Joyful Noise

In February we attended a concert by the Ensign Chorus & Symphony. See post here. Their wonderful performance brought back memories of the Columbus Ohio Mormon Chorale. 

What a joy it was to sing with the talented and dedicated musicians in the chorale. I can't remember how long I sang in the group. I remember loving every minute of it. 

On the poster - "The Columbus Ohio Mormon Chorale; patterned after the great tradition of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. This Chorale has been performing since 1984." 

We gave several concerts a year. This poster was for a concert on Saturday, April 26. I'm guessing the year was 1986. 

I do remember auditioning to be in the Chorale. I was very anxious about trying out. I've always enjoyed singing. I was in the children's choir at the Methodist Church and took part in various choral groups in high school. I was nervous about the tryout because I knew my voice was changing and I probably couldn't be a good enough soprano. I didn't have much confidence in being able to sing alto on my own. If I sang next to a strong alto, I did great, but I wasn't so good at finding the notes on my own. Since I was relatively new to the church, I wasn't familiar with all the hymns - and we were supposed to select one from the hymnal for the audition. I couldn't find an easy one that was familiar from my Methodist days. So I prayed for help in selecting a hymn. "Did You Think To Pray" came to my mind. That was very interesting because I wasn't familiar with the hymn. I looked it up and it had an alto part that I could do on my own. I sang the hymn and "passed" the audition!

The people in the Chorale and the music we made together greatly blessed me and my life.

 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."  Psalm 98: 4

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