Monday, February 16, 2015

Rain & Worms

Not long ago we had one of those rainy days that results in worms all over the sidewalk. I've often been curious about why this happens. I looked it up this time. 

This article is full of interesting information. For example, did you know that a bunch of worms is called a "herd?" Somehow I don't picture a herd when I see a group of worms. 

As for the rain - worms come to the surface when it rains either for migration reasons - they can travel faster on top of wet surfaces than they can through the soil OR the vibrations from rain drops cause worms to think moles are after them and they come to the surface to escape the moles. 

After reading this and other articles I think the scientists don't really know why worms come to the surface when it rains - they just have some guesses. 

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