Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grandma Juice

For years we've been having breakfast "shakes" in an effort to stay healthy. Joe does great research on ingredients, best protein powders, and so forth. Every once in a while one of us gets inspired to add some extra things to the drink. Joe went through a period when he used many, many carrots and LOTS of garlic in his. He literally sweat garlic oil some days. I wondered if he'd get an orangish tinge to his skin. He's showing a bit of moderation these days with those ingredients. I like the idea of the "green smoothies." Joe can't quite bring himself to add spinach and cucumbers to his drink. 

Here's what I'm currently putting in my morning drink - red yeast (to fight cholesterol), lutein (eye health), Evening Primrose & Omega 3 oil & ground flax seed (for nerve health, hoping to minimize tremors), Vitamin D (we need extra D out here), B vitamin, tea brewed from herbs that hopefully will strengthen my nerve system and calm the tremors, Raw Protein powder (filled with huge amounts of good stuff). Then I add fruits and vegetables - blueberries, cucumber, spinach, broccoli, cranberries and a banana - and a little mango juice (to make all this a bit more palatable).

The color of the resulting drink is fairly accurate in the picture above. Some days it's a bit more green or purple - depending on the amount of spinach or blueberries used. The texture can be pretty thick and chewy if I don't use enough liquid. 

The grandchildren would often ask what I was drinking (it looks pretty gross). My reply - "Grandma juice. This is what keeps me healthy." 


PS - Here's what Joe uses in his drink now - Raw Protein powder, soy milk, mango juice, blueberries, broccoli, apple, banana, strawberries, carrots. He takes many supplements but doesn't put them in his drink. He can swallow a handful at a time. My throat accommodates only very small pills, one at a time. 

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