Friday, April 25, 2014

Muddled Middle

"You can have clear faith in the ultimate outcomes at the end of the trail but still find vexing uncertainties in the steps immediately ahead. The Lord knows the end from the beginning and everything in between. You, however, function in the muddled, mortal middle." Neal A. Maxwell

"The muddled, mortal middle" -  The "muddledness of this earth life can be frustrating, confusing, and stressful. It's not always clear how to navigate the terrain between where we are now and our ultimate destination of life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. When writing this, I thought of the handcart statue in Temple Square in Salt Lake City - the handcart load got heavier as a family member had to be carried - and then it snowed! Have you ever had days, months, or maybe years like this? The muddled middle. 

This brings to mind another way to think of our journey - the three act play. Act I is our life before we come to earth. Act II is our time on earth. Act III is life after death. When we come to earth, we forget most of what happened in our premortal life. It's like walking in on the second act of a play. It can be very confusing and we often can't figure out what's going on and why. Act III, life after death, is where the complexities and challenges of Act II get worked out and explained.

So - we're now in Act II  or the "muddled, mortal middle." I am thankful for scriptures, prayer, the guidance of the Spirit, and knowledge of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. They help us with our journey here on earth. 

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