Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Skip's Letter to Momie

Joseph Hall Todd
Howe Military School
Howe, Indiana
                                                                     May 31, 1947
Dear Momie,

Last Saturday we had a picnix and on the way back a cadet D.D. (Note 1) Denman died of a heart attack. They worked over him till 3 after 12 and then all hope was given up.

Sunday nite nobody slept well. They trured on the lights and Father Jenning’s walked the barrak’s. Monday he had a military funeral he was put between 6 black candle’s 3 on each side and then the regular service. When he was put in the hearse herse we put our hat over our hearts – over

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Then put them back on and saluted and tap’s was blown. He had a gard and everything. He was buried in Freemont Ohio.

Where will I be when you are in Milwaukee? Can I be with you? Our vacation. I am for it if you are. (Note:2)  I had fun down town. (Note:3)  I had a hamburger and some pop and some sen sen’s (Note: 4)
                                                                  Love Skip

P.S. I hear part of the Speedway. (Note:5)
Joe Todd’s comments
(1) I always thought his first name was Donald David but the obit says Donald Davis Denman – his parents were vaudeville actors and traveled a great deal. His death took place was a week earlier Saturday 24 May 1947. We had marched route step out to an area around a lake (it might have been North or South Twin Lake)  for the picnic and were allowed to straggle back at our own pace – probably 2 or 3 miles. I was moving along on a dirt/gravel road passing a farm house with some commotion going on outside it. Someone said, they had taken Denman there because he was sick. We continued our walk back to Howe Military School and the barracks. The letter says that Father Jennings came through the barracks on Sunday night – I believe it was the same Saturday night. Father Jennings had just been discharged a few weeks earlier as a chaplain from the Army/WW2 effort displacing Mrs. Murphy, the house mother rather abruptly. 
(2) I probably spent time with one set of grandparents or the other, but did not go to Milwaukee with my Mother
(3) Refers to the village of Howe for my birthday party – went to the one and only hotel
 (4) My Mother had sent me some money to take 3 or 4 friends down to the hotel in Howe village for a birthday party on a Saturday afternoon. I had read in Sport magazine about Jet Pilot being an interesting horse and particularly good on a damp track. My friends and I were all waiting for Mr. Runge to escort our walk down to the hotel. We heard the Ky Derby being broadcast and I began telling my friends all about Jet Pilot.  One of my friends said let’s bet on it – I said ”I bet on Jet Pilot” and he bet that Jet Pilot would not win – He said, “I bet your birthday treat money” – I hesitated and said yes. I then began to really worry – it was a stupid bet all the way around and if I lost how was I going to pay for the treat? I tried to get out of the bet but the guy began to call me a “chicken” in front of all my friends. I then heard on the radio that it was a “damp” track and I took hope since Jet Pilot was supposed to be so good on  a “damp” track. When I made the bet I had no idea the track was damp. If I lost I thought the hallway was going to be damp.   The guy said, “Ask Mr. Runge to pay for it and then ask your parents for more money.” – I knew that would not work- but I couldn’t get out of the bet. Jet Pilot started from gate 13 and broke into the lead and was driving all the way to the finish. Jet Pilot won! Turns out the other guy didn’t have any money – he never did pay me. Jet Pilot raced two times after this. He finished fourth in one race and was injured in the last one. He retired to stud.
(5) I must have been listening to my radio and the Indy 500
AN ADDITIONAL NOTE: I went to Howe Military School, Howe, Indiana for the 6th and 7th grades. This letter was written at the end of 7th grade in 1947. Howe commencement was a couple of weeks later.  My Mother did come by ShortWay Line bus to pick me up. I believe it was only the second time in two years that she had been able to visit me at Howe. She did not drive and was dependent upon public transportation. Howe was a little off the beaten path.   I was very proud because I was being given the “Most Improved Cadet” award at the closing ceremonies. It showed that after rebelling and running away from Howe five times at the beginning of the 6th grade,  my strategy of underselling myself and then out performing others really paid off!  I announced to my Mother in no uncertain terms that I was not coming back to Howe unless she tied me up and put me in the trunk of a car and dumped me off and then I would run away again. No one has control over me unless I give it too them or they tie me up! She then must have told the administration because later that afternoon my friend (and teacher) Mr. Runge took me aside and said that I had better check the bulletin board by the office as my name for “Most Improved Cadet” had been crossed off and someone else’s had been written in. – Such is life – I went to the 8th grade in Austin, MN and lived with my Father in a room in someone’s house.

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