Monday, April 29, 2013


Converted – to the gospel of Jesus Christ & to live by His teachings

Conversion is a life long process. Tyler Orton wrote about ways we can tell we are converted. 


- You really want to choose the right.

- You have no more desire to do wrong.

- You are more concerned about what God thinks than what others think about you.

- You try your best to live the gospel always—not just on Sundays or when it’s convenient but all the time.

- You are more kind and compassionate in dealing with others. You don’t judge or criticize or gossip. You are more aware of others’ feelings, and it becomes natural to look for ways to serve and help.

- Your desire to pray increases and you feel like you are really communicating with God when you pray. You will always make time to pray no matter how you feel or what is going on in your life.

- You look forward to Sunday because it is the Sabbath.

- You keep the commandments and you don’t look for excuses, rationalize behavior, or try to find gray areas.

- You look forward to paying your tithing. You view it as a privilege.  

- You have a strong desire to help others know the truth and happiness that you have found.

“In summary, you know you are becoming converted when you start to live the higher law, the gospel of Jesus Christ. You live the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law. You live the gospel in all aspects of your life. You live the gospel to its fullest, not because you have to but because you want to. You are a happier and nicer person, and you want to become the person Heavenly Father wants you to be. You want to be like Jesus Christ and follow His example. When you become that person, you have truly been converted.”

See the entire article here.

The conversion process is life changing. Becoming converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and living His teachings makes an eternal difference in my life. I hope my conversion, and the kind of person I am trying to become, touches the lives of others for good. 

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