Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Love of Learning

Mom and Dad left us a wonderful legacy - the love of learning. Learning is very much a part of who they are. They were curious. They asked questions and looked for and talked about answers. They learned how to do whatever needed to be done. They were great do-it-yourselfers.

I thought about that legacy when I was writing a blog post about our Hadley Pottery. I enjoyed writing the story of our pottery - where we got it and why. But I also enjoyed learning more about the pottery. Now I appreciate it even more. I find it fascinating that the clay used for the stoneware came from a seam embedded between two layers of coal and it's from Indiana, a state with many ancestral connections for Joe. Learning is fun! It enhances our lives. 

I enjoy going to the Apple Store to learn more about our various devices, apps, and software and how we can use them to do the projects we like to do.

I enjoy reading a variety of magazines and books to expand my knowledge of the world around me. Mom and Dad modeled that very well. Our childhood home was full of books and magazines that were read and referenced.

Mom loved languages and studied them in high school and college. As an adult she taught herself Greek.

Dad was always working on a project, often learning something new or figuring out how to build something that solved a problem. 

Dad's curiosity continued up until his last hours on earth. As he was wheeled out of the hospital room into surgery, he told me he was "curious" to see what was going to happen. Little did we know that his earthly learning was soon going to be replaced with the great adventure of learning on the other side. 

They modeled life long learning, curiosity and interest in the world and people around them. Thanks Mom and Dad!
photo - about 1950

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