Monday, August 11, 2014

Energy Efficient

Our townhouse should be much more energy efficient
now that these old bulbs have been replaced

Puget Sound Energy people installed energy and water-saving equipment in our townhouse. This was part of a free program for apartment owners. They replaced incandescent light bulbs with Energy Star LED bulbs. These things are supposedly 80% more efficient and will last up to 20 years! They replaced one of the shower heads with a contraption designed for people who do things like make beds, brush teeth, or make phone calls while their shower water runs and heats up. When the water is the right temperature, it stops running until you pull a string hanging from the shower head to get a full flow of water. We’ve never been in a situation where the water took long enough to heat up that we had time to do any of those other things while we were waiting. That type of shower head was put in our guest bathroom. The master bath didn't get one because there's a handheld shower head in that one and that didn't get replaced. 

The PSE people also left a smart power strip for use with a home entertainment center.

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