Friday, December 2, 2016

Speaks to Me

Have you seen the work of Caitlin Connolly? She recently posted these on Instagram. Her artwork explores what it means to be female. Everyone gets something different from art. Here's what I see and feel from these two works.

"She became herself with tears"

To me the light around her head and hands symbolizes holiness and connection with God

Tears -  her dress is made of tears. There's a tear on her face. The tears could be tears of joy from feeling that connection with God and knowing you are His beloved daughter. They could also be tears of pain and sadness from the challenges that are an inevitable part of life. 

"Holy" hands - symbolize the service we give throughout our lives. Jesus served and so do we. Service isn't always easy and sometimes tears are involved. 

Strength and Surrender
My Triangle Self Series

This show description indicates the triangle has been a symbol of the feminine throughout the ages. I didn't think of that at all the many times I've examined this painting. 

I see the light around the head and cupped hand. I see the same symbolism as in "She Became Herself with Tears," a connection with God.

I see one hand cupped in surrender and supplicaton to God. Asking for support. Willing and ready to receive what God gives. 

I see one hand planted firmly on the worldly part of our earthly journey. We need stability as we traverse the path.

And for the triangles - when I noticed them I thought of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - the Godhead. We need to make them part of our being, an integral part of our lives. 

Read more about Connolly here. Click here for her website. Facebook page here.

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