Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Aunt Dorothy - Julia's Arrival in Hamburg, Germany

Aunt Dorothy
March 8, 1933 - November 6, 2012

I arrived in Hamburg, Germany December  29, 1961. My father's brother David was posted there with the Foreign Service. Dorothy had her hands full with twins, born April 1959, and another boy born April 1960. I went over to help with children and attend Helene Lange Schule, a German girls’ school. I was a sophomore in high school. I flew home in June 1962. 

Aunt Dorothy and Uncle David wrote this letter to Mom and Dad about a week after my arrival in Hamburg. It was written probably Tuesday, January 2, 1962.


Dear Mary and Bill,
Julie has probably told you some of the less pleasant aspects of her trip, but in spite of the nearly-missed plane and the nearly-lost luggage she came to us in remarkably good spirits and in command of the situation. She is a dear and we are so happy to have her here. A jet trip like that always leaves one in sort of the haze for a few days while catching up with time and sleep. Added to this Julie had a cold. But by yesterday after long naps, fresh air, and cold tablets forced on her by an anxious aunt (she took them very cooperatively), she seems bright and perky again.
It is heaven to have someone who will put on the peas, or set the table, or see what those kids are yelling about now. Julie is always sweet and friendly and I don't think that she feels very remote and cut off from you. I hope not - as predicted it is hard to tell. We've had two of the American teenagers over and of course she'll be meeting lots of kids in school and that will be good for her.
I hope we can make her feel how welcome she is. It's nice to have this week for us all to get acquainted in before school starts. The children, most especially John, are delighted with her. Even Stevie has walked for her and tries to say “Julie”.  more soon.
                      Much love, Do

From David – written on front side panel of aerogramm

Dear Bill & Mary –
I’ve little to add – we're delighted that the children have taken to Julie so readily. Our Opel Caravan was delivered four hours before Julie's arrival. We took a short excursion in it Mon[crossed out] Sunday and proved that travel with Julie in the bigger car is much much simpler than travel in the VW without help.

Julia's notes October 2013

The letter is handwritten on a one piece “aerogram,” a single sheet of lightweight paper that’s gummed and foldable; the letter and envelope are the same

re nearly-missed plane – My memory is that I was in the Paris airport and heard my name being called to get to the plane. Need to check the diary I kept to see if there’s mention of this.

re nearly-lost luggage - It took a few days for my luggage to catch up with me

David & Dorothy - January 2004

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