Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reaching and Needing

Thoughts about a piece of bread & a sip of water
- the sacrament - communion

I think of the woman who reached out in faith to touch Jesus's robe so she could be healed (Mark 5:24-34)

When I reach for the sacrament every Sunday, do I reach with the same faith as she did?

She had health issues for 12 years. She had the faith and the strength to reach out to the Savior. She knew to put herself in a place where she could reach out to Him.

A young mother sitting in the church foyer with a fussy baby was asked by the young man passing the sacrament, "Do you need this?"

Julie Archer wrote: "Daily demands and responsibilities can drain us throughout the week, but the sacrament can fill us up. As I partook of the sacrament, I felt peace and healing flow through me. In that moment I realized that I needed the sacrament more than anything because I needed the Spirit to be with me.

My eyes focused on a painting in the foyer of the Savior holding His hands outstretched. Gratitude swelled in my heart as I pondered how He is always ready to heal and strengthen us. I am reminded of this each Sunday as I partake of the sacrament. I am grateful that the Spirit taught me through a simple question that in the midst of life’s challenges, the Savior is our source of strength and peace."  (read more here)

Read Brent Croxton's thoughts about the sacrament here

images Media Library

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