Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Glory in the Mystery

Sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads that are full of opportunities. 

These are good times to ponder, pray, and “glory in the mystery” as Megan Armknecht notes in her article “How to Face Uncertainty with Faith.” 

“When I was choosing where I would go to graduate school, I was faced with many wonderful options. As I weighed the choices in my mind and prayed for direction, I had the overwhelming sense that this decision was up to me; the Lord would ratify any decision I made in this situation.”

A “trusted mentor” listened to her list of pros and cons of her various options. He told her,  “You have two great options here. I don’t think you can mess this choice up. It might seem trite, but ultimately it comes down to the heart wants what the heart wants. So, what do you want?  … I know that these choices can be agonizing … But before you make any decision, just take an hour or two to go outside, walk around, and glory in the mystery that is your future.”

 “…  be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours” (Doctrine & Covenants 78:17–18).

We can better understand and appreciate the mystery if we slow down, ponder and pray more, and glory in that mystery that is the future. 

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