Joe writes about his favorite picture -
This picture, Healing at the Pool of Bethesda, (John 5:2-9) by Carl Bloch is very significant. The focal point of the picture is three men. At the very center of the picture is an extremely physically disabled man who cannot get into the healing waters of Bethesda by himself – he is infirmed. Obviously, someone(s) got him there but did not hang around to finish the job of actually getting him into the healing water when an angel stirred them up. This often is the story of well-intentioned people who don’t follow through – They say, “Not my fault, I did my part! I got him there, why didn’t someone else get him in when the waters were ready!”
Then there is the man in the red hat - immediately to the right of the infirmed man. He is just sitting there clearly trying to look very disinterested and unaware saying, “I don’t know what you are talking about!”
And, then there are the rest of the people in the picture - clearly so interested in their own conversations that they remain unaware of the needs of others. And how did the blanket get put over the man to cover him up – to keep him warm? – Not likely, from looking at the total picture no one looks cold – more likely the blanket was put on him so no one had to look at him.
Then what is the 3rd man in the picture doing – the man to the left of the infirmed man -? He is Jesus Christ - uncovering the man and preparing to assist the infirmed fellow – This is the example we have been given to follow – to reach out to others and give them a hand up – not to look away and pretend they don’t exist, not to be so engrossed in our own doings no matter how important or engrossing they are that we are unaware of others – Jesus Christ has given us the example we are to follow – act in charity - meaning act in the pure love of Christ and reach out to others.
- - Now look again at the picture and notice if you have not already, there is a women and young child bringing a jug of water for others to quench their thirst while waiting for the healing waters to be ready – acting in the pure love of Christ toward others.
This picture has become important to me because it shows me who I should be following. During our short time on this earth we should be spending our time reaching out to others in love, trying to give them a hand up – no matter what other earthly responsibilities and distractions we may have.
March 2014
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