Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Projects & Interests

I saw these books and photographs on our table recently and realized they represented my interests and current projects. 

Pictures - I spend about an hour most days scanning our photos and Mom's and Dad's. This will help our children, grandchildren and others to have access to wonderful memories. I am thankful for the thousands of photos we have that preserve family memories. 

Family history - I would like to carve out more time to work on family history. This blog is one way to record what we're doing - family history in the making. We've been blessed with an abundance of information about the family who came before us. Recently I purchased "Polish Pioneers in Illinois 1818-1850" by James Lodesky (pictured here). Our Sodoswky/Sandusky and Baum ancestors are part of that story. 

Bahamas History Project - "For All the Saints: Lessons Learned in Building the Kingdom" by Kristen Smith Dayley represents our Bahamas History project. Dayley was given thousands of pages of transcripts from oral histories. It took her eight years to write the book from those transcripts. We too have hundreds and perhaps thousands of pages of transcripts. We need someone to write "the book!" 

Reading - I love to read. I am thankful for the ability to read and for access to so many great books. The challenge is to know which ones to read. I've enjoyed all of Kate Morton's books

Scriptures - Daily scripture study and pondering help me learn, grow, and stay grounded in what's most important in this life - and the life to come. I receive counsel, direction, peace, and can feel the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for each of us. 

Not pictured :) :) - family, friends, service, worship and all those things that make my life an abundant life. 

I am thankful for this abundance. 

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