Sunday, February 17, 2013

Collecting & Reflecting Light

I have seen you standing still beneath
rapid clouds at dusk, collecting the light,
drawing the gathered radiance in like breath.

You store it everywhere

From you, the stored scraps of collected light
leak like constant suns. 

Those saved skies
reflected back to me ............
—Marilyn Nielson

I love the imagery in this poem. How wonderful it is when we can collect the light that's around us, especially the light of Christ, and use it to help others see the beauty in themselves. 

I can't include the entire poem here due to copyright. If you'd like a copy, please contact me.  

Another poem by Marilyn Nielson is here

(Physics) An instrument formed by combining prisms so as to correct the chromatic aberration of the light while linear dimensions of objects seen through the prisms are increased or diminished; called also prism telescope.

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