Recently returned missionaries have a great love for and knowledge of scriptures. The way they handle the physical scriptures and the way they talk about turning to scriptures for answers and peace shows their reverence for and love of the word of God. They can recount how specific verses and teachings had helped them or people they encountered.
Missionaries are counseled to spend an hour each morning in personal scripture study. Then there's another hour of study with your missionary companion. That's a lot of time with the scriptures. That time, along with prayer, experiences, and receptivity to being taught by the Spirit, is what turns the words into treasures. This certainly was our experience when we were full time missionaries.
Even though we usually can't devote two hours a day to scripture study, we can study in a way that we can be taught and find the treasures just waiting to be discovered.
Speaking of the scriptures, Jesus told the people, "Ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you; that ye search these things diligently." 3Nephi 23:1
Reading the scriptures is good. Searching, pondering, and letting them be turned into treasures is even better.
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