Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Lead Me Song

Some of our greatest experiences as missionaries were with children

One day we were walking away from a house, disappointed because the people weren't there for an appointment. A little boy, about six, came up to me, took my hand and asked if we could sing the "lead me" song. When we met with the people at that house he had often been there and had sung with me. Frequently I would keep the children occupied with songs so Joe could talk with the adults. So - on this occasion - this sweet little boy and I walked hand in hand to the car and sang the "lead me" song - "I Am A Child Of God." 

Another time a group of children saw us on the street and encouraged us to come back and talk with their mother. The family had come to church often enough that the children knew some of the children's songs. They led us to the house, which was reached by way of a trail that wound through the Bahamian bush. As we walked, one of the children started singing "I Am A Child Of God." We all joined in and sang as we walked through the tall grass and shrubs. 

precious experiences
precious children of God

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