Monday, January 14, 2013

Peaceful & Loving Countenance

Have you ever met someone who radiates Christ's love and peace?

“The face which speaks of a soul where reigns the Prince of Peace is his best witness. ... Such was a face I saw today. … His face was a power of peace; his presence a benediction of peace. In the tranquil depths of his eyes were not only the ‘home of silent prayer,’ but the abode of spiritual strength. As he talked of ... the certainty of the hope which was his, ... I watched the play of emotions and studied with fascinated attention the subtle shades of expression which spoke so plainly the workings of his soul; and the strangest feeling stole over me, that I ‘stood on holy ground:’ that this man did not act from the commonplace motives of policy, interest, or expediency, but he ‘acted from a far-off center.’"*

We can feel it when a person's "far off center" is Christ. When we encounter such people, whether in person, or through the media, we feel loved, at ease, and peaceful - even when we don't know the person well. There is a depth, spiritual depth, that we can feel. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if people saw and felt this reflected in each of us?

*Reverend Prentis said this about Lorenzo Snow; quoted in Nephi Anderson, “Life and Character Sketch of Lorenzo Snow,” Improvement Era, June 1899, 569–70.

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