Saturday, May 28, 2016

Book - A Higher Call

A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II
by Adam Makos with Larry Alexander

"Four days before Christmas 1943, a badly damaged American bomber struggled to fly over wartime Germany. At its controls was a 21-year-old pilot. Half his crew lay wounded or dead. It was their first mission. Suddenly, a sleek, dark shape pulled up on the bomber’s tail—a German Messerschmitt fighter. Worse, the German pilot was an ace, a man able to destroy the American bomber in the squeeze of a trigger. What happened next would defy imagination and later be called the most incredible encounter between enemies in World War II."  (
JHT’s comments – I became totally engrossed in this book. I wish I had asked Dad and his friends more about their involvement in World War II. The men were so very young. I can’t imagine what it felt like to be in countries that were being bombed. The descriptions of aerial fights are amazing.

The youth of the pilots, the feelings of some in the German Air Force about Hitler and his staff, the huge number of bombers in the air at one time after the United States joined the war, … This book gives insights into the feelings and experiences of those who were waging war from the air.

 (image from

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