Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Finding Yourself

"The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more substantive as we serve others--indeed, it's easier to find ourselves because there's so much more of us to find." Spencer W. Kimball

When we hear people talking about finding themselves, they are usually referring to a process that is very "me" centered. Jesus teaches us that we find ourselves by losing ourselves in service to others, in doing what He would do. 

"He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."  

This video has a powerful message about how we can be changed through service. It's almost 10 minutes long but it worth watching all the way through. The people in the video are lifted up as they serve Kathy by physically lifting her every day. 

One of the men who serves Kathy makes an interesting observation. "It's interesting, the dichotomy between healing the body and healing the soul. When we heal the body, it's always an inward effort. We're always paying attention to ourselves.When we heal the soul, turning inward doesn't work. And the triage of the soul is found in turning outward to other people. Every time I've gone to Kathy's home and dealt with her, it feels like it heals a part of my soul. ...Really, it's genius how Christ has laid this out for us. As one helps the other, the other helps the other back."

Somehow service does expand our souls and we become more "substantive" in awesome ways. 

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