Monday, September 30, 2013


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

It's amazing to me how it is possible to feel great peace in the midst of the chaos, sadness, frustrations, disappointments and so forth that we encounter in our individual and family lives. Relationships with Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Spirit enable us to keep an eternal perspective. This helps us deal with the challenges of life on earth. 

“Peace comes from knowing that the Savior knows who we are and knows that we have faith in Him, love Him, and keep His commandments, even and especially amid life’s devastating trials and tragedies.” Quentin L. Cook, “Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness” 

“I invite you to walk confidently and joyfully. Yes, the road has bumps and detours and even some hazards. But don’t focus on them. Look for the happiness your Father in Heaven has prepared for you in every step of your journey. Happiness is the destination, but it’s also the path. ‘Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come’ is what He promises (Doctrine & Covenants  59:23).” Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Your Wonderful Journey Home

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