Mary & Bill - ca 1950
Recently I read that parents change a child's diapers an average of 5,475 times. I tried to find another source to back up this statement and saw the figure of 7,000 changes in two years. Which ever number it is - that's a lot of diapers. This brought back a memory about Mom, Dad, and diapers.
Dad was not one to express his feelings verbally. But he did countless acts of love that showed how much he cared.
Mom had four children between May 1946 and November 1951. These were the days before disposable diapers. Dad's way of making the unpleasant task of rinsing out diapers a bit more "pleasant" was to channel warm water into the toilet. This way Mom was swishing out the diapers in warm water instead of cold.
Julia, Tom, Mary, Jan & Susan - 1952