Monday, July 4, 2011

Venturing Out - Leaving The Harbor

Note: We wrote this back in December 2010 when we were deciding if we were going to move out west. At the time we shared it with our family. What a wonderful adventure we're experiencing. 


"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.* "… ships are meant to navigate the oceans and to experience adventure. … it is the same with us."~

Life on earth is a journey full of adventures. Sometimes we prefer the safe harbor and might linger there so long that we miss adventures and opportunities that are waiting for us.

Claudio Costa spoke of people in the scriptures and pioneers who ventured out of the safe harbors of their lives. His comments and personal examples brought to mind my life journey and times I’ve left the safe harbor.

Leaving home to go to college – getting married – having a child – earning my master’s degree – teaching children with disabilities – creating an expanded family - joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – serving a mission – and many other adventures.

Joe and I have been in the very safe and cozy harbor at 52 West North Street for 34 years. We’re seriously contemplating embarking on a journey that will take us clear across country to the west coast. What adventures are in store for us there?

Any journey outside the harbor carries the risk of storms and sometimes becalmed waters in addition to helpful winds and beautiful sunrises and sunsets. As Costa said, "Even when turbulence caused by the storms of life naturally come our way in this mortal existence, we can be led by the lighthouse of the gospel and our testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ."

Whatever happens on this journey out of the harbor, we know with total certainty that Jesus Christ and his teachings will light the way for us and make it possible for us to weather the inevitable storms. Our testimonies of Christ will also help us enjoy the beauty and adventure of the journey.


*inscription on the bottom of a painting of a 16th century ship in a harbor
~Claudio R.M. Costa

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