There are two major construction projects in our little downtown
Nearby Parkplace is undergoing redevelopment & will become Kirkland Urban - a mixed use development - stores and apartments as well as community gathering spaces. This is about a block from us. Our grocery is to the left, just out of the top picture. Fortunately the grocery will remain open during construction. It will move into a much bigger space in the new building. Read more here.
The building in the first picture is now gone
This totally changes the view coming into Kirkland from the east. The brick building to the left in the picture below is the same building that's in pictures 2 & 3.
above - If you look closely you can see Lake Washington in the distance. Seattle is on the other side of the lake. On clear days you can see the Olympic Mountains. The new building will be taller than the office building on the left. It's going to fill up that space in a big way.
image source - We are located near the green space between the development and the lake.
Kirkland Main Street Project
This antique mall operated in downtown Kirkland for 26 years. (image)
Now it's been torn down to make way for another mixed use project
128 apartments on top of stores & restaurants
The brick building on the right side of the above image is the Heathman Hotel. More about the project here, here, and here
This is the only picture I could find of the proposed project (source)
I attended a neighborhood meeting at which the developer of this project spoke. When the property was sold, the seller stipulated that there had to be a statue memorializing her daughter who died at the age of 12. There will be a statue of a girl with a butterfly.