Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hard Times

Sometimes the going gets rough. What follows are some quotes and thoughts about the challenging parts of our journey here on earth. 

I took a picture of the above sculpture because it reminded me of what happens to us sometimes. Pulling a handcart is hard enough. Pulling it in the cold and snow is even harder. Sometimes it seems like our challenges just pile up.

Reality is that we often learn more from the hard stretches of our lives than from the easy parts. Challenges stretch us. They remind us to turn to Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Spirit. If we rely on them for comfort, counsel, and peace, we can deepen our relationships with them. After we get through a difficult situation, we can almost always look back and appreciate what we’ve learned. That said, it can still be very hard.

A little boy said to his mother after a scary time in a snow storm, "Hope Ya Know We Had a Hard Time." Quentin Cook has some wise thoughts on getting through hard times. Christ is there to help us through scary times. 

"At times when we may feel to say, “Hope you know, I had a hard time,” we can be assured that He is there and we are safe in His loving arms."

Our hearts ache when loved ones go through tough times. We don't want it to be hard for anyone we love. But sometimes life is just hard. When it is, I often think of Dad and his saying "Onward and upward." Just keep going. 

I love this quote about the way we can help each other during difficult times. 
"... we reach out to each other. Hands often speak as voices can’t. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our souls. We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.” Elaine L. Jack

Sometimes a situation seems especially bitter and our challenge is to experience the "bitter cup without becoming bitter." Neal Maxwell eloquently speaks about this and how Christ's Atonement can help us in such times. His talk is especially poignant because he was battling leukemia at the time he gave the address. Read it here

"... peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment" Doctrine and Covenants 121: 7

"... [L]et us remember that through any illness or difficult challenge, there is still much in life to be hopeful about and grateful for. We are infinitely more than our limitations or our afflictions!"    Jeffrey R. Holland

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